
Expert opinions and material investigations 

Expert reports to determine the cause of damage to structures are always necessary when the structure shows major damage that needs to be prevented in the long term. This is done in a three-stage model. First, the damage situation is determined in the anamnesis, then a diagnosis is made on the basis of the available results, followed by a therapy with appropriate measures. The measures are monitored section by section.

Our environmental conditions such as the ever-increasing climate change with harmful gases, humidity, heat, light, etc. can have an influence on the changes in building materials. Also, manufacturing methods and properties of building materials are sometimes the cause of subsequent harmful effects that need to be investigated. More knowledge about the use of our building materials can prevent long-term damage here. 

Building material

Building materials can be very diverse and are often used regionally. We often find masonry made of sedimentary rocks such as sandstone and limestone. The base area is often characterized by weather-resistant, igneous rocks such as granites or gneisses. In addition, there is brickwork, which sometimes had very different manufacturing conditions and is not always suitable for all climatic conditions. The binder of a masonry wall is mainly lime in historic mortars and in newer buildings additionally with cement additive. Plasters have also been processed with and without cement, depending on age/requirements. 

Depending on the exposure to moisture in combination with harmful gases or harmful groundwater, buildings may suffer damage that spreads throughout the masonry and can have an impact on the quality of living or even health. 

Investigations and measures

There are examinations that are not destructive at all, little destructive and more destructive to the building. If the building is listed, it is important to know which examinations may be carried out. Samples must be taken often to get an idea of the chemical and mineralogical composition. In the case of asbestos content, great precautions must be taken in the event of renovation.

Remediation measures, especially hydrophobic measures, must always be carried out with caution. A sustainable strategy should therefore also be pursued on old buildings, whereby insulation and fire protection on the building must also be complied with as far as possible.



